Announcing the Winner of our Office Career Champion Competition

At the start of the Summer we ran a competition to find the heroes at your work championing and developing careers.  Our aim was to recognise and celebrate the unsung Office Career Champions who make a real difference to businesses and careers every day.

We want to send a big thank you to everyone who participated in the competition and helped make it a success!

And special congratulations to Patrick Gribben of Intouch Accounting and Sanjay Hari of  They jointly topped the leader board and have each won a half-day Confident Career Conversations Workshop and Career Conversation Toolkits for 12 managers in their organisation.

The judges recognised Patrick and Sanjay as people who are:

  • Always supportive of their colleagues
  • Repeatedly go the extra mile when it comes to their work
  • Advocates for championing career conversations, career development and career management within the organisation
  • Share great content internally
  • Give fantastic training
  • Or who are simply great people who make their office a wonderful place to be!

Here are the judges’ comments to Patrick and Sanjay on their winning entries:

To Patrick Gribben, Intouch Accounting Ltd.

” As well as your high number of votes the judges were very impressed by your outcomes based approach and very tangible results.  You have clearly made a big difference to career development at Intouch and we loved the fact that you have put in place a mentoring scheme as well as getting so many people studying.” 

To Sanjay Hari,

“As well as the high number of votes you received, the judges were impressed by the fact that you were recognised by three separate colleagues who put in the effort to do so.  That says something about the impact you are having in Checkout. We also loved how you are focusing on being a career coach not only for your own team but making the effort to be there for others and investing that time. It sounds like you are modelling the behaviours of a career champion very well.”

Congratulations Patrick and Sanjay!  We look forward to meeting you at the Workshops.

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