We’ve been shortlisted for an award!

Well, what an exciting start to 2019!  Yesterday we learnt that our Career Conversations Programmes have been shortlisted for a Career Development Award in the category of Innovative and Impactful Employer Engagement Activity.  We’re delighted!

The Award is sponsored by the Careers and Enterprise Company.  The winner of the Award will be announced at the UKCDA ceremony, following the Awards Dinner at The Queens Hotel, Leeds, on Wednesday 6th March 2019.  Wish us luck!

The aims of the CDI Awards are:

  • To identify and promote excellence in career development
  • To celebrate and generate a sense of pride in the career development profession and our partners
  • To raise the profile of career development and the CDI

It is great that we have been recognised as contributing to those aims.  If you’re not familiar with our Career Conversations Programmes, you can find out more about them at https://antoinetteoglethorpe.com/services/career-conversations/

One of the greatest things about the nomination for this award has been the fantastic support we have received from clients.  This is what they said about the Programmes:

Delivery of the Confident Career Conversations Workshop for United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

“Antoinette Oglethorpe designed and provided us with a 1 day workshop and an additional follow up session on ‘Confident Career Conversations’ in 2017. Antoinette facilitated the workshop at our offices based in Copenhagen, Denmark. The workshop content was extremely well thought through, very professional, innovative and also interactive. The material and the toolkit received during the workshop has been enormously beneficial, provides excellent and detailed information and is very user friendly.  Sincere thanks to Antoinette for her professionalism, in-depth knowledge and innovation!”  Lorrae Davey, HR& Finance Analyst, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

Delivery of the Confident Career Conversations Workshop and Career Compass Workshop for UNESCO

“Your work was really appreciated here and your professionalism was exemplary. In UNESCO, we benefitted from your expertise in the area of career management which has been honed over decades and has culminated in an approach to skills development which is very effective. The tools you have developed are innovative and practical at the same time. I am really pleased to see how my own team is adopting the best practices you shared already in their conversations.”  Georgina Berrow, Chief of Section, Staffing, Learning and Development at UNESCO

Delivery of the Confident Career Conversations Workshop and Career Compass Workshop for Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) Services

“Antoinette is working with us to support line managers and also to support individuals wanting to reflect before the conversation with their manager.  Both workshops had excellent feedback from learners.   Antoinette has worked with us every step of the way in bringing this learning to our organisation.  Antoinette’s knowledge and expertise in the topic is absolutely clear.  Her ability to share real business experiences, showing the links to business outcomes, has also been incredibly helpful in engaging our learners in the content and making it real.  I would describe Antoinette’s delivery of the workshops as a coaching/mentoring approach with thought-provoking questions and gentle nudges to help reflections and insight. ” L&D Business Partner, FCO Services

Delivery of the Confident Career Conversations Webinar Series for the Australian Nuclear, Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO)

The Career Development programme run by the experienced Antoinette Oglethorpe has been rolled out to around 90 participants over two webinar series. Given the great success and incredible feedback we have received ANSTO has now decided to roll this out across the whole business to all People Managers and are also exploring the employee version of the program for potential future deployment.  The webinar series offers an end to end overarching view of career management and helps participants reflect and challenge their own views as well as explore alternative perspectives and tools to enable an effective paradigm shift to the modern interpretation of careers. Through the webinar series Antoinette brings to life the content and enabling tools with practical examples and storytelling. Antoinette has worked with us closely to understand our culture and key drivers and to tie key concepts and experiences back to the content of the program fostering a greater understanding of the connections. We are already seeing the increasing confidence of our managers to tackle these discussions and to feel better positioned to foster a more enriched and authentic career conversation.”. Pam Davis, Senior HR Lead, People Culture, Australian Nuclear, Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO)

Training of Trainers to deliver the Career Conversations Programmes for the UN Agency for Refugees (UNHCR)

“What distinguishes excellent trainers from those who are merely competent is a belief in what they do.  Antoinette and her team’s enthusiasm for career conversations being a key tool for generating employee wellbeing and the organisation maximizing the achievement of its objectives has been both inspiring and contagious.”  Rosie Innes, Head of Career Planning & Communication, Career Management Section (CMS) for UNHCR

So, now we’re digging out black tie and posh frocks in preparation for the Awards dinner on 6 March.  Whatever the outcome of the Awards, we plan to have a fantastic night.

Fancy joining us?  Book a place.



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