Practical Techniques for Boosting Confidence: A Guide to Unleashing Your Potential

Confidence is a cornerstone of success, not only in your career but also in life. That was one of the points I made in my last blog post, ‘Understanding the Foundations of Self-Confidence‘. But, let’s be honest, it’s not always easy to maintain a high level of confidence, especially when challenges rear their ugly heads. So, what can you do to boost your confidence? How can you rise to the occasion when your self-assurance is waning? Today, I’m thrilled to share five practical techniques for boosting your confidence.

1. Positive Self-Affirmations

“Your beliefs become your thoughts. Your thoughts become your words. Your words become your actions.”

– Mahatma Gandhi.

How often do we find ourselves caught in a web of self-doubt? Well, positive self-affirmations can be a game-changer here. Positive affirmations are not just fluffy statements; they can reprogramme your subconscious thoughts to steer your behaviour and increase self-assurance. The key is consistency—make it a daily ritual.

Putting it into Practice: Take a moment to type one positive statement about yourself in the chat. It’s a simple yet empowering exercise. My positive affirmation for today is, “I am skilled at my job and bring value to my team.” When you’ve got yours, speak it out loud. Doesn’t that make you feel uplifted?

2. Visualisation Techniques

Wouldn’t it be great if we could foresee our successes and feed off that energy? Well, guess what? You can—through visualisation. Visualisation isn’t just daydreaming; it’s a scientifically proven technique used by top athletes and successful entrepreneurs to boost confidence and improve performance. It prepares your mind for success, making your goals seem within reach. You can read more about it in my blog post Picture This! Harnessing the power of visualisation in career conversations.

Putting it into Practice: Close your eyes. Visualise yourself successfully completing a challenging work task. Imagine the steps you take, the obstacles you overcome, and finally, feel the sense of satisfaction from achieving it. Open your eyes. How did that feel?

3. Controlled Breathing

Who hasn’t experienced jittery nerves before a big presentation or interview? Controlled breathing is a technique often overlooked yet incredibly effective. The simplicity of this technique is what makes it so brilliant. It calms your nerves, improves focus, and fosters a sense of inner equilibrium, making you more receptive and effective in what you’re about to do.

Putting it into Practice: Sit comfortably. Inhale deeply for 4 seconds, hold for 4 seconds, exhale for 4 seconds, and hold for another 4 seconds. Do this three times. Done? How do you feel?

4. Power Posing

Your body language speaks volumes—not only to others but also to yourself. Power posing is based on the idea that physical posture can influence not only how others see you but also how you see yourself. Studies have shown that holding a power pose can actually change your hormone levels, increasing testosterone and decreasing cortisol, thus boosting feelings of confidence. You can learn more by watching Amy Cuddy’s renowned TED Talk, Your body language may shape who you are.

Putting it into Practice: Stand up and adopt a ‘power pose.’ Place your hands on your hips, puff your chest out, and hold your head high. Keep this pose for two minutes. Does that make you feel more powerful?

5. Feedback Loop

A growth mindset is invaluable for personal and professional development. What better way to grow than to seek constructive feedback? Feedback helps you identify your strengths and weaknesses. Positive feedback gives you that much-needed pat on the back, boosting your confidence. On the other hand, constructive criticism is a roadmap for improvement, an opportunity to be better. So why shy away from it?

Putting it into Practice: After your next meeting or project, reach out for feedback. Whether it’s positive accolades or constructive criticism, it’s a win-win situation.

Confidence is not a one-time achievement but a continuous journey. To sum it up, practice positive self-affirmations to change your thought patterns, use visualisation to prepare your mind for success, employ controlled breathing to calm your nerves, adopt power posing to influence your own feelings of self-worth, and engage in feedback loops for continuous improvement.

It’s not about faking it until you make it, but rather it’s about practicing these techniques consistently to cultivate genuine self-confidence. Are you ready to give them a try?

Interested in helping your employees unleash their full potential? Find out more about our Career Lab Series here.

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