A Guide To Navigating Career Conversations in a Multi-Generational Workforce Digital

The Guide to Navigating Career Conversations in a Multi-Generational Workforce will help you prepare for and tailor career conversations with your employees, from all generations.


A Practical Guide to Career Conversations Tailored to Individual Generational Preferences

Get the tools and templates you need to empower your employees to take ownership of their own career development


Employees want direction on where they need to develop for the future. By having an honest and open career conversation, they will feel more engaged in their work and more committed to the organisation. We have created a guide for navigating multi-generational career conversations. Designed to help managers and HR professionals have career conversations across the generations tailoring the approach to the specific needs and perspectives of each individual.

Whether youโ€™re managing a multi-generational team, or leading peers from different age groups, you can expect that at some time they will ask you how they can progress in your organisation. This guide will prepare you for having this conversation and tailoring it to the specific needs and values of any generation.

This guide provides practical tips in applying our tools and techniques in 10-15 minute career conversations and tailoring them to the needs and perspectives of different generations in todayโ€™s workforce.