A Manager’s Guide To Career Conversations Printed

The Manager’s Guide to Career Conversations will help you prepare for a career conversation with your employees.


How to Have Meaningful Career Conversations with Employees

Get the tools and templates you need to empower your employees to take ownership of their own career development

Employees want direction on where they need to develop for the future. By having an honest and open career conversation, they will feel more engaged in their work and more committed to the organisation.

The Manager’s Guide to Career Conversations will help you prepare for a career conversation with your employees. Our aim is for you to empower them to take ownership of their own career development. At the same time, you will provide the information and support they seek on their career journey. This will help your employees feel satisfied in their role no matter what their career ambitions are.

This guide has been designed to support the Career Conversation Toolkit, a set of practical card-based tools to help you ask the right questions and empower your employees to take ownership of their own career development. Paired with our Career Compass Workbook this is the perfect Career Conversation bundle to support your organisation in having effective career conversations.