Mentoring and Career Conversations – Our Most Popular Posts of 2018

It’s that time of the year when everyone reviews what’s happened this year and all the “best of” lists surface. For us, 2018 was a year focussed on mentoring and career conversations.  And it seems it was the same for our readers.  Here are our most viewed blog posts and resources in 2018. Some of them are perennial favourites but several are brand new in 2018.  I hope you find them interesting and useful.

Top 15 Blog Posts of 2018


  1. 25 Positive Quotes about Mentoring

You only have to look at any feed on social media to recognise we love a good quote! Which probably explains why this post is so popular. Quotes are a great way of summing up learning and experience in a way that inspires others. Inspiring others is a key role that mentors play. This post shares some of my favourite positive quotes about mentoring. If you’re a mentor I hope these quotes inspire you in a way that allows you to inspire others. Read more >>


  1. Six Steps to Help Your Employees take Ownership and Responsibility

This is a perennial favourite. For the last 7 years, it has been one of the most popular posts on the AO blog year in year out. That shows that this is still an area of challenge for a lot of leaders. Do you need to achieve more and more with less and less? Are you under pressure to meet hard to achieve goals and targets? At times such as these, you need all employees to take full ownership and responsibility for themselves and their actions. This blog post outline six steps to help you. Read more >>


  1. 13 Characteristics of Highly Effective Career Conversations.

Career Conversations has always been something that I’ve been passionate about and have developed a specialism in. During 2017, this blog post raced into the number four spot of our most popular resources. In 2018, it climbed even higher.  Read more >>


  1. What Key Mentoring Tools and Techniques are Available?

Number four on our list is another blog post about mentoring. But this time it’s the more practical tools and techniques that might help new mentors develop their confidence and skills. At the heart of any mentoring relationship is a conversation. So, the core mentoring tools and techniques are ones that enable and facilitate conversation. This blog post shares a core set of conversation tools to start with. Read more >>


  1. 25 Inspirational Quotes About Career Development

I told you everyone loves a good quote! Here is another set that seem to engage and inspire our readers.  This time the focus is on career development.  These quotes capture a lot of my thoughts on taking ownership for developing your career.  Is your favourite included?  Read more >>


  1. The Role of Mentoring in Career Development

Employee experience is critical to engaging, retaining and developing employees. Research has shown that the fit between a person and their job is a key consideration as is a sense of purpose in their role. So, career development in organisations has finally risen up the agenda (not before time in my opinion). Maybe that’s why this post sharing my thoughts on the role of mentoring in career development is among our most popular. Read more >>


  1. 5 Techniques for Helping Employees Cope with Change and Uncertainty

It seems there is one thing that doesn’t change from year to year. And ironically, it’s change and the need to cope with it. 2018 was clearly no different as this blog post was one of the most popular.  It shares practical techniques for helping employees cope with change and uncertainty. Read more >>


  1. Good Career Development Questions to Ask

In 2018, we rolled out our Confident Career Conversations Programme to five global organisations.  Career Conversations are positive, developmental discussions.  They are a way to build on progress so fa and continue an employee’s career growth.  Even though they are positive by nature, they are not without their challenges.  This blog post outlines good career development questions to ask in those challenging situations.  Read more >>


  1. 5 Powerful Questions to Ask Someone About Their Career

Continuing on the same theme, this blog post shares some powerful questions to help employees think creatively about what success means for them.  Employees often find it hard to articulate their ambitions in any way other than with a grade or job title.  But that unhelpfully limits the conversation and the potential opportunities for development.  These questions help them think about their future in a way that opens up possibilities.  Read more >>


  1. Practical Career Development Questions to Ask Employees

The most frequently asked question in our Confident Career Conversations Workshop relates to tools so maybe it’s no surprise that this is the third blog post in our most popular list that relates to career development questions.  This blog post provides more information about our Career ConversatIon Toolkit which provides you with 50 powerful career development questions divided into ten conversation tools.  Read more >>


  1. 8 Proven Career Conversations Tips

My experience is that career conversations happen very naturally.  They happen everywhere – over drinks, in restaurants, in coffee shops.  But what if the career conversation is part of a wider development discussion?  Leaders are often wary of having career conversations with employees for fear of getting it wrong or making a mistake.  This blog post outlines eight proven career conversation tips.  Read more >>


  1. What Happens in a Career Development Discussion

This blog post shares the experience of one manager who attended one of our Confident Career Conversations Workshop and then put her new skills into practice.  The conversation was with an ambitious – and quite demanding – millenial who wanted to get promoted.  Read more >>


So, those are our post popular blog posts of 2018.  You may also be interested in the other free resources we have available.  You can find a range of eBooks, toolkits, podcasts and videos at

We are looking forward to sharing more in 2019.  If there are any questions you would like me to share insights around, please get in touch by commenting below or emailing


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