What Job Would You Want to Do for 60 Years?

This weekend, in Britain, and all over the world, we are celebrating the Diamond Jubilee in recognition of Queen Elizabeth II having been on the throne for 60 years.

Whatever you think of the monarchy, most would agree that the Queen is someone to be admired.  She was only 25 when she took on the role and she has now held down the job and performed it admirably for longer than a lot of us have been alive, let alone worked.

So what is the secret of her long service and consistency in this time of constant change?

As I’ve already mentioned, she was only 25 when she came to the throne so she was not particularly skilled or experienced and many say that she doesn’t particularly enjoy the fuss, pomp and pageantry that make up her duties on an almost daily basis.  So it seems that her commitment to her role is driven by her strong work values, values that have anchored her to her role and to doing what is expected of her even at times when she would no doubt much rather be doing something else.

We can only guess at what the Queen’s values might be but, judging by her actions, we can assume they include integrity, dedication, hard work and service.  Many times this weekend we have been reminded of the vow she made “I declare before you all that my whole life, whether it be long or short, shall be devoted to your service.”

So, as you return to work after this long holiday weekend, here are some things to think about:

1.  Do you know what your values are in relation to work?  If not, it is worth reflecting on what factors have guided your career decisions in the past to get to the heart of what is important to you in work.

2.  How well does your current role align to your values?  Is there some way you can better satisfy your values?  For example, if serving others is a strong value that is not well-satisfied in your current role, is there some way you can get involved with charity work either through your organization or outside of work?

3.  If you were to change role, what types of position and/or organization might be a better fit?

Let’s hope that few of us will have to continue working until we’re 86 (in spite of the pension crisis!) but, however long we work, making a career choices that is in-line with our core beliefs and values is more likely to be a lasting and positive choice.

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