I’ve written a book, Grow Your Geeks

I’ve been rather quiet on my blog lately.  It’s because I’ve been writing my first book, “Grow Your Geeks – A Handbook for Developing Leaders in High-Tech Organisations”.

The book will be published by Rethink Press and is due for release in April 2017.  I’m really excited about it!

Here are the most common questions people ask me about the book together with my answers:

What is Grow Your Geeks about?

Grow Your Geeks is a handbook for developing leaders in high-tech organisations. The big question faced by fast-growing companies in the tech sector is “How can we develop leaders who can sustain the fast growth of our business?”  Grow Your Geeks provides the answer.

Why did you write it?

There is no shortage of theories out there about leadership but there is very little practical advice about how to develop leaders.  I wanted to fill that gap and give CEOs, senior leaders and HR professionals a practical, step by step guide that they could understand and implement with ease.

What is different about it?

Companies that consistently produce great talent and grow successfully do not have the most sophisticated or most complex leadership development practices. Instead they have practices that are fit for purpose. Practices that suit their culture, are relatively simple and are executed flawlessly. Grow Your Geeks outlines a six-step system for companies to identify what they need and develop practices that work for them.

What is your main message?

The bottom line is that companies which invest in leadership development are more successful than those who don’t.  They make more revenue per employee and deliver greater shareholder returns. There has never been a better time to be in a high-tech business. But good technology isn’t enough.  You need strong leadership to turn good technology into a successful business.

What problems will it solve?

Fast-growing, high-tech companies face unique challenges. Often they’ve grown quickly because they’ve got brilliant technologies, products and solutions.  But they’re in danger of getting stuck because they don’t have enough leaders with the skills and experience to grow the business and they don’t have a strong culture of leadership throughout the organisation. Grow Your Geeks outlines a practical step by step approach to help address those challenges.

How long did it take you to write it?

It will be just under a year in total.  I started writing it on Friday 13 May 2016 and it is due to launch in April 2017.

Where can I buy it?

From April it will be available on Amazon.  You will be able to buy the paperback or in kindle format.

If you’d like to find out more, please go to www.antoinetteoglethorpe.com/Grow-your-Geeks



4 thoughts on “I’ve written a book, Grow Your Geeks”

  1. Can’t wait to read it. I know that it will be a great mix of theory and practice and that it will be based on evidence. Just what we need.

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