Career Development Strategies: Secrets to Accelerate Your Career

When people think about career development, they more often than not think about changing organisation. And sometimes that’s the right thing to do. But job-hunting is tough and, moving to a new company is no guarantee of satisfaction. The grass may or may not be greener.

So,it makes a lot of sense to develop your career as much as you possibly can within the organisation you currently work for. In my experience, people have a lot more opportunity to develop their careers within their organisation than they probably realise. But it takes energy and effort and as well as a good level of self-awareness and some effective career development strategies.

Yesterday I delivered a webinar for the alumni of an international business school on “Secrets of How to Accelerate Your Career Within Your Organisation”.

My overall message was a simple one. We spend too long at work to be unhappy (approximately 70,000 hours in an average lifetime!) and no-one else is going to manage your career for you so you need to take ownership for influencing how it develops. That doesn’t mean that you won’t need the support of others – your boss, colleagues, HR, for example. But it does mean that it’s up to you to determine the support you need and then go about getting it.

Here are a revised version of the slides from the webinar I delivered, “Secrets of How to Accelerate Your Career Within Your Organisation”:

Secrets of how to accelerate your career within your organisation from Antoinette Oglethorpe

If you would like me to deliver a similar webinar, talk or workshop on career development in organisations (or any other related topic), please give me a call on 07957 604783 or e-mail me at

We also have a brand new Career Compass Workbook available to help you prepare for Career Conversations with your manager or mentor.

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